Brookfield ward

Brookfield ward

Situated in East Preston the Brookfield ward is synonymous with green areas as it was built in the late 40’s on what was formerly dairy farm land. Watling Street Road cuts through the middle of the main estate and the ward is flanked to the North by a brook & wildlife area affectionately known locally as the ’hills & hollows’. Along the South of the area is ’brookie park’ through which another brook runs, a location where battles from the English Civil War took place.

Explore the assets in your area – below is an interactive map of your ward where you can find out what’s happening locally, or you can click here to go direct to the YourMap app where things are searchable and you can add assets that are missing.

In this section we highlight images & stories about the ward from yesteryear’s – celebrating life back then and considering things we can learn from the past. This facebook page called ‘I grew up on the Brookie estate’ is a great resource for such material and we’d highly recommend it.

Here we document the ward at the moment – including looking at what can be seen from 100ft via a drone and a series of photographs that highlight the area. We include what might be seen as beautiful views around us but also activity & close up details that have a special dynamic, alongside interesting features that mark the territory of our area.

In this section we look at any new initiatives or developments in the area that will bring positive improvements to the ward. We also look at potential sites, ideas, dreams & opportunities that might be future assets. The new proposed tramway along the lines will have its headquarters at Brookie Station House, a place where historically children would throw part of their lunch over the old bridge wall into the garden where the goat would eat it – long story!

Potentially this might bring some local jobs but certainly it will tidy up the station house (an important part of our local heritage) and it will make getting into the city a lot easier for us – by the tram or the nice walk along the lines.

We’re also developing a Retrofit Cooperative on the estate where we will be adding retrofit skills to local tradespeople through ‘on the job’ training on ‘local facilities & homes’. They will then pass on these skills to local young people through an apprenticeship scheme.

Other useful directories specific to Preston

a young people’s activities app
a cultural what’s on website
a general support