Cadley ward

Cadley ward

Cadley is a largely residential suburban area of Preston, which is positioned to the North of the city centre. Having 2 main roads Woodplumpton Road to the west and Blackbull Lane to the East. It is usually considered to be a district of the larger suburb of Fulwood.

It boasts a great many scenic places of natural beauty and leisure facilities for children and the wider community. In my 44 years living here I have enjoyed walking amongst the natural spaces we have, but also I have taken pleasure in seeing the growth of amenities and the local population.

Explore the assets in your area – below is an interactive map of your ward where you can find out what’s happening locally, or you can click here to go direct to the YourMap app where things are searchable and you can add assets that are missing.

Other useful directories specific to Preston

a young people’s activities app
a cultural what’s on website
a general support